Make Water - no war board game

Free Watermaker Project

Make Water No War!

under construction
under heavy

Most 3rd world governments subsidize water, and fail to invest.
This is not motivating professional (profit driven) free enterprise water suppliers.
IMF (bank) says: "Water should never be free to end users"
"For economical and political reasons - it would be too difficult to invest - and control" read between the lines
In The Netherlands there is market for both expensive water, subsidized water and (limited) free drinking water.
South Africa finally initiated a "free water policy" in February 2000
In Nigeria Rudolf Amenga-Etego wins Goldman Prize (National Coalition Against the Privatization of Water)
In Bolivia people finally win their Water War against Bechtel
Worldwide Microcredit is introducing kapitalism to a selected few poor people
I believe that (only) mission driven enterprise will help poor people escape from poverty.
Unlike many religions, that promote sharing and promise afterlife rewards
I believe that a smile is enough to motivate you to get involved in free water

By Susan Bryce. The global push by UN agencies, governments and corporations to privatise water supply/distribution is already being felt by those who are most affected by water shortages and are least able to pay for a resource that was once free.

Solidarity with Cochabamba
Solidariteit met strijd tegen waterprivatisering in Cochabamba

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research. (Alex)

Millitary use of any information from the project is not allowed. Make a choice now: make water, no war.